Saturday, December 25, 2010

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

25 de dezembro - Imagem - um presente para si mesmo

Peneirar as fotos de vocês em relação ao ano passado. Escolha uma que melhor capta-lhe: ou quem você é, ou que você se esforça para ser. Encontre uma foto sua que vale mais que mil palavras. Partilhe a imagem, que gravou a cena onde, e o que melhor revela sobre você. (Autor: Clark Tracey)

Adorei esse prompt!! Olhei muitas fotos e logo me deparei com esta. Esta foto foi tirada por uma das minhas sobrinhas (as gêmeas – Bruna e Amanda), em junho deste ano, no aniversário de 5 anos delas. O tema do aniversário foi todo inspirado nas Princesas da Disney: Bruna fantasiada de Cinderella e Amanda fantasiada de Branca de Neve. O que eu mais gosto desta foto é o toque especial acrescentado pela coroa da Cinderella porque toda mulher merece ser tratada como princesa, até aquelas que não acreditam em conto de fadas assim como a Bruna e a Amanda... rs
Este ano eu me senti assim. Fui tratada como princesa por várias pessoas e em situações diferentes. Adoro ser bem tratada!! =)  
E outra coisa, essa foto revela muito do meu ser. Sou linda, divertida, inteligente, amável, amiga, e nem um pouco modesta, né?! rs....

December 25 – Photo – a present to yourself
Sift through all the photos of you from the past year. Choose one that best captures you; either who you are, or who you strive to be. Find the shot of you that is worth a thousand words. Share the image, who shot it, where, and what it best reveals about you. (Author: Tracey Clark)
I loved this prompt! I looked at many pictures and soon I came across this. This photo was taken by one of my nieces ( the twins girls - Bruna and Amanda), in June this year on their birthday  of five years old. The birthday theme was all inspired by the Disney Princesses: Bruna dressed as Cinderella and Amanda dressed as Snow White. What I most like about this picture is the special charm added by the crown of Cinderella because every woman deserves to be treated like a princess, even those who do not believe in fairytales as Bruna and Amanda do ... lol This year I felt that way. I was treated like princess for many people and different situations.I love being well treated! =And another thing, this photo reveals a lot of me: I'm pretty, funny, smart, kindfriendly, and not a bit modest, huh? lol ....

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

24 de dezembro  - Tudo está OK
Qual foi o melhor momento que poderia servir como prova de que tudo vai dar certo? E como você vai incorporar essa descoberta para o próximo ano?
(Autor: Kate Inglis)

Neste ano essa sensação de que tudo ficaria bem, aconteceu várias vezes e eu aprendi muito com isso, pois me faz ter certeza de que Deus está sempre presente na minha vida e que é Ele a razão de tudo estar sempre muito bem. Ao entregar minha vida de verdade nas mãos de Deus e deixar de fazer as minhas vontades sinto que tudo mudou.
Então eu acho que não tem “o melhor momento” em que eu possa dizer que isso aconteceu, porque todos foram muito especiais. Em um deles eu pude até parar de encucar com a idéia de que não existem homens bons (ou perfeitos ao meu ver). Deus me guiou até um local inesperado e de uma maneira inesperada, pra que eu pudesse ver que eles existem sim e que eu não posso continuar a olhar algo sem a direção dEle! Muito vago, né?! Mas confesso... foi incrível!!
No ano que vem quero continuar a viver direcionada por Deus, quero me entregar ainda mais e fazer muito mais para que outras pessoas possam sentir a paz e a tranqüilidade que hoje sinto!
December 24 - Everything’s OK 
What was the best moment that could serve as proof that everything is going to be alright? And how will you incorporate that discovery into the year ahead? (Author: Kate Inglis)

This year that feeling that everything would be fine happened several times and I learned a lot about it because it makes me sure that God is always present in my life and that He is the reason that everything is always fine. Deliver my life for real in God's hands and stop making my will make me feel that everything has changed.
So I guess there is no "best moment" in which I can say that this happened because everyone was very special. In one of them I was able to stop with the idea that there are no good men (or perfect to me). God guided me to an unexpected place and in an unexpected way, so I could see that they must exist and I can not continue to look toward something without Him! Vague much? But I confess ... it was amazing! 
Next year I want to continue to live guided by God, I’ll give myself even more and do more for others to feel the peace and tranquility that I feel today!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

.:. Merry Xmas .:.

Feliz Natal!!! =)

Hoje eu não acordei muito animada com o Natal, mas o dia foi passando e as coisas acontecendo e agora eu estou totalmente no clima!
Às vezes fico um pouco desanimada nessa época, principalmente quando tenho que montar a árvore de Natal sozinha (lembranças... boas recordações)... mas faz parte do momento em que estou vivendo e quando penso que Natal é muito mais que decorações, presentes, etc, etc... fica animada e é isso que interessa!!
Montei a árvore, fiz compras, arrumei toda a decoração por aqui (ficaremos em SP este ano - faz tempo que não fazemos isso)... enfim... até essas flores belíssimas da foto eu comprei!!! =)
Quero desejar a todos um Feliz Natal e pedir para que se lembre de agradecer a Deus por tudo que você é, por tudo que você tem, pois sem Ele, nada somos... e Ele é a razão do Natal!! Portanto agradeça não só nessa época, mas todos os dias da sua vida!!
Agora vou colocar o Reverb 10 em dia... rs

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

23 de dezembro - Novo nome. Vamos nos encontrar novamente, pela primeira vez. Se você pudesse apresentar-se a estranhos por um outro nome para apenas um dia, qual seria e por quê? (Autor: Wilcott Becca)

Outro nome?!
Quando era mais nova eu queria sim mudar de nome, pensei muitas vezes nisso, não gostava do meu nome.
Mas agora eu não tenho motivos para trocar de nome... rs... gosto do meu nome, é forte, marcante, as pessoas nunca esquecem, muitas vezes confundem e me chamam de "Alessandra" ou "Aleksandra"... e eu acho engraçado.
Gosto muito do meu nome por saber que tem toda uma história por trás.
Explico: meus pais pensaram em outros nomes (meu pai tem uma criatividade incrível... rs)... então pensaram em Joana (uns dizem que tinha uma tia chamada Joana, outros dizem que era por causa de uma cantora brasileira)... e então, nos meus primeiros momentos de vida, fui chamada de Joana Mara.
Muita calma: Joana + Mara (péssima escolha!!!)... foi então que meu irmão mais velho pediu para que colocassem o mesmo nome que o dele "Alexandre"... graças a Deus ele foi atendido, porque Joana Mara é muito feiooo (desculpas às Joanas e às Maras... mas os dois nomes juntos são terríveis!!!).
Então fui registrada com o nome: "Alexandra"!!! =)
Adoro meu nome!! Mudar?! Nem pensar!!

Merry Christmas! =)
Today I woke up not too excited about Christmas, but the day went by and things were happening and now I'm totally in the mood!
Sometimes I get a bit discouraged at this time, especially when I have to assemble the Christmas tree alone (good memories...) ... but it is part of the time I'm in and when I think Christmas is more than just decorations, gifts, etc., etc... it is excited and that's what matters!
I arranged the tree, went shopping, packed up all the decorations around here (we'll be in Sao Paulo this year - long time does not do that)... until these gorgeous flowers in the picture I bought! =)
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and ask you to remember to thank God for everything you are, for everything you have, because without Him we are nothing ... and He is the reason for Christmas! So thank not only today, but every day of your life!
Now I put the reverb in 10 days ...

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

December 23 – New Name Let’s meet again, for the first time. If you could introduce yourself to strangers by another name for just one day, what would it be and why? (Author: Becca Wilcott)

Another name?!
When I was younger I would rather change the name, I thought many times about it, did not like my name.
But now I have no reason to change my name ... lol ... I like my name, it's strong, striking, people never forget, often confuse and call me "Alessandra" or "Aleksandra" ... and I think it's funny.
I really like to know that my name has a whole history behind it.
Let me explain: my parents thought about other names (my dad has an incredible creativity ... lol) ... then thought of Joana (some say it had an aunt named Joana, others say it was because of a Brazilian singer) ... and then, in my first moments of life, I was called Joana Mara.
Wait: Joana + Mara (bad choice !!!)... that was when my older brother who asked to put the same name as his "Alexandre" ... thank God he was satisfied, because Joana Mara is very ugly (apologies to the Maras and Joanas ... but the two names together are awful !!!).
So I was registered by the name: "Alexandra"! =)
I love my name! Change?! No way!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

.:. It's a beautiful day!! .:.

Bom Dia!!

Fiquei um tempo sem postar porque fui fazer um cruzeiro. Que viagem ótima!!
Tudo muito lindo... das pessoas às paisagens!! Tudo perfeito!!

Agora vou tentar colocar o Reverb 10 em dia (acho que será difícil).

E não se esqueçam do sorteio do Blog da Rachel hein!!


Good Morning!

I spent some time without posting because I was taking a cruise. What a great trip!
Everything was very beautiful from the people to the landscapes!
Everything perfect!
Now I'll try to put the "Reverb 10" up to date (I think it will be difficult).
And do not forget the draw on Rachel's Blog huh!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

December 8 – Beautifully Different. 

Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.

It's really difficult to think about because I'm always the same way ever... lol

But something that makes me different ... well I guess ... my friends make me feel and be different somehow (I don't know if they can get what I mean). When I am with my friends around I get really happy and satisfied and I am thankfull to have trully friends, those who grown up with me, those who I had something or somewhere in common, those who I know are always there for me. It really makes me feel different and feel the joy in my life. Feel alive. Share friendship. What an interesting thing!
Now I can think in more things to describe what makes me beautifully different: I am a lawyer and it's what I choosed to be and now that I know the real reasons for that, it makes me want more of my profession; I am a teacher because I love to study and to share what I learn or have learned during my life - it is passion; I am a scrapper who loves all kinds of crafts and wish to have enough time to spend doing lots of beautifull things; I discovered that I really like to talk in public - but I am shy; I am generous and comprehensive - even when it's not necessary; I am christian because I found all the reasons to have a better live in Christ alone. ...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

.:. Atualizações .:.

Oii... sei que o pessoal que normalmente acessa meu blog não deve estar entendendo nada dos post "Reverb 10". Ok. Explico.
O Reverb 10 é um evento anual e online para refletir sobre o seu ano que passou e sobre o ano que está por vir, então devemos usar o mês de dezembro e as frases propostas pelos autores aqui, para escrever.
Eu estou amando participar, porque amo escrever e fazia muito tempo que não escrevia em inglês.
Mas aí vão perguntar: e o artesanato?! rs...
Vou continuar postando sobre scrapbooking e artesanato, claroo!! Só que agora, como o blog se tornou internacional, vou continuar postando em português só que logo depois vem tudo que escrevi em inglês, ok!
Espero que todos se juntem a mim no "Reverb 10" e se divirtam!!

Hello ... I know that those who accesses my blog should not be getting anything from the "Reverb 10" posts. Ok. Explaining.
The Reverb 10 is an annual online event that reflects on your past year and over the year to come, then we must use the month of December and the sentences proposed by the authors here, to write.
I'm loving to participate, because I love writing and has been a long time not writing in English.
But then you'll ask, and the crafts?! lol ...
I'll keep posting about scrapbooking and crafts! But now, as the blog has gone international, I will continue posting in Portuguese and after that comes everything written in English, ok!

I hope you all could join me on Reverb 10 and Have fun!! 

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

Well... I'm back!!

December 7 – Community Prompt: Community. Where have you discovered community, online or otherwise, in 2010? What community would you like to join, create or more deeply connect with in 2011? (Author: Cali Harris)
I found an online community on facebook virtual games. I could see and be part (for a while) of a community whose people do erevything online, they buy houses, cars, furniture, they decorate their houses and they even marry online. It's fantastic to observe how people can be in the virtual world what they are not in real life and  what can lead them to let it all affect the real life. 
Now, in my real life I could join in this year the academic world (but in the other side). I am a teacher now and I could start to answer my personal doubts about this amazing new (for me) world.

December 6 – Make. What was the last thing you made? What materials did you use? Is there something you want to make, but you need to clear some time for it? (Author: Gretchen Rubin)
The last thing I did was a scrapbooking agenda to be drawn in Rachel's BlogI used scrapbooking paper, fabric, ribbons, buttons ... check it out here. I want to do more scrapbooking stuff... cause I really miss it in my life!! 
December 5 – Let Go. What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why? 
(Author: Alice Bradley) 
I let go of all the feelings of guilt for having done something that has not 
really been the way I wanted or the way I thought it should be. 
I stopped blaming myself for nothing.


What is Reverb 10?
Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. 
Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out 
reverberations for the year ahead.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

December 4 – Wonder. How did you cultivate a sense of wonder in your life this year? (Author: Jeffrey Davis)

Keep in touch with God, by praise and worship! I loved the lots of time that I spent praying this year and as days passes by my wish is to have more time to stop and feel the presence of God in my life!!


What is Reverb 10?
Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead.

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

December 3 – Moment. Pick one moment during which you felt most alive this year. Describe it in vivid detail (texture, smells, voices, noises, colors). (Author: Ali Edwards)
It was the first week of August when I had to introduce myself to the first class on Ethics, 40 students, all looking at me attentively.
I've always been shy, never spoke in public, afraid to answer the phone, then that moment was very special.
I could hear my voice echoing through the halls of the school, since students held a silent unimaginable, I could feel my heart pounding and slowly, seeing the reaction of students in each look, and then feel my heart slow down and finally felt that this was where I should be at that very moment! It was perfect! I found my calling!

What is Reverb 10?
Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead.

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

I'm not being fast to this!! lol...

But... trying!! 

Here we go... 

December 2 – Writing. What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing — and can you eliminate it? (Author: Leo Babauta)

Thinking of 2010, I wasted my time in the beginning of the year playing online with some friends and it definitely doesn't contribute to writing, when I realized that I was forced to stop!! So I already eliminate it!! 
Today I can see that there is no reason to keep playing online while the world is outside my computer to be lived and to be written!!


What is Reverb 10?
Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead.

Friday, December 3, 2010

.:. Reverb 10 .:.

Well, I know that I am late... but I am starting today!!

And I'll start with the first prompt and I'll trying to be fast to reach the third one... lol

I'm in love with Reverb 10 because is a way for me to practice my english writing!!

Soo... let's start!!

One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you? (Author: Gwen Bell)
When I was reading Alie's blog yesterday, her thoutghs inspired me in different ways. So I can say that there are two words this years, as Alie said!! 
Story and Teacher!!
Story: this word is the one!! This year lots of things happened in my life, good ones and bad ones. But most of all was for me to grown up as a person, and I learned so many greatfull things that my story will never be the same again. I feel myself more mature and knowing what I really want for me, my career, my life (spiritually, emotionally...). I was molded by a new way of thinking and doing all my rotine. It's something amazing!! And I feel like God is the responsible for that... because I re-started to let Him take care of my life!!
Teacher: as an english teacher I could see and feel that all I really wanted was to be capable to pass what I've learned to others!! And this year I started to teach youngers in a Technical Course... I teach Ethics and Tax Law and I am definitely in love with my students, my classes and to see that I can do something with pleasure!!
Next year, I want to be capable of more. Teach more. Learn more. Increase my story day by day.

What is Reverb 10?
Reverb 10 is an annual event and online initiative to reflect on your year and manifest what’s next. Use the end of your year as an opportunity to reflect on what's happened, and to send out reverberations for the year ahead.